Meet Santos!

Sunset in Santos Hello, I'm Caroline and I'm from Santos, São Paulo - Brazil. My city is famous for their great soccer players, like Neymar and Pelé, that started their careers in Santos Futebol Clube. Santos is also famous for its big Beach Garden. Santos' Beach Garden is registered in the Guinnes Book of Records as the biggest beach garden of the world! That's incredbile and beautiful. You need to visit it! Santos' Beach Santos' Beach Sidewalk My city has a lot of night clubs, some museums and theaters. There's a lot of bookstores and some public libriaries. In the beach garden there's a public library only for cartoon strips. It's amaaazing! Santos' Beach Garden In Santos, we have 3 big malls, and a lot of stores. There's an old Street Movie Theater and 3 more inside the malls. On the beach, there are Surf Schools and a great variety of monuments. I mean, there are monuments for everything! You need to visit the beautif...